Tuesday Fire & Ice
Every Tuesday. First a Slow Burn; then, an Unrated Blitz Cool Off (Play One or Both). For best rate, sign up by end-of-day Sunday before round 1.
Fire Format: Open Swiss, G/45 + 10 second increment, each Tuesday for a month.
Fire Round Time: 6:30 PM Tuesdays, check-in by 6:20 PM or you may not get paired.
Fire Entry Fee: If 2-days early, $20 CCM members, $30 for non-members, ($5 more online up until club opens, $10 more at site).
Fire Prizes: Winner and Top Cumulative Upsets get FREE entry next month, split on a tie.
Fire Registration: Onsite registration 6:00-6:20 PM first or second Tuesday of the month. Online registration before 6:00 PM.
Fire Other: Players must be present or email Jack by 6:20 PM to Check-In. USCF membership is required. Games are done at about 8:30 PM. Up to 2 half point byes may be given before round 3.
Ice Open Analysis: Free, open game analysis when Fire games are done until 9:30. Either Ice Open Analysis or Ice Blitz, depending on what everyone wants.
Ice Blitz Format: Five Round Swiss, G/3 + 2 second increment. Starts at 8:50 PM. Only $5 each week if you play the Fire, others $10 onsite only. 80% of entry fees returned in prizes, Place & Under prizes. Onsite registration is between 8:35-8:45 PM Tuesdays. USCF membership NOT required. USCF regular ratings used for pairing/prizes.
Fire & Ice Questions: Contact TD Joshua Rajadurai at tuesday@chesscastle.com