A Fully Fledged Platform for Chess Players and Tournament Organizers


“Online Registration for Chess Championships” is an online platform for Chess Players to connect to Local, State wide, National or International games with a hassle free registration in a truly user friendly e commerce environment. Registering a user on the site is free of charge and one user created can host multiple player profiles.

Tournament organizers will benefit from the multiple flexibilities offered in creating and customizing the tournament to suit any need and making the Tournament Organizers life easy and hassle free for an affordable and attractive pricing solution.

Online Registration for Chess Championships is a Product of Technosys Information Eng. Solutions, Inc., USA

Primary Features

  • Exceptional support for handling various types of tournaments (Multi rated, Multiple sections and schedules, Class Championships etc.)
  • Exceptional support for team tournaments, both team championships and team tournaments with individual registrations.
  • Capability of maintaining teams and scholastic teams (Includes player swapping between teams and team merging).
  • Automatic section filtering based on rating, age, grade and titles.
  • Capability of activating/ deactivating sections while tournament is in progress.
  • Interactive search of USCF/FIDE/Custom Club memberships and ratings during registration.
  • Flexibility of using substitute rating type if the main rating type of the tournament is unrated.
  • Capability of automatically fetching the highest rating type for registration and pairing from defined multiple rating types.
  • Process rating function to automatically update the pairing files with the latest player ratings.
  • Customizable advance entry list generating capability.
  • Automated discounts based on USCF/FIDE ratings/Titles (including national masters, foreign FIDE titles), time based discounts (early bird), private discount codes for tournaments and public discounts.
  • Capability of bulk registration for vendors importing via a CSV file.
  • Membership purchase and renewals on registration for USCF and custom chess club memberships with auto generation of batch files for processing of USCF memberships.
  • Multiple payment gateway support (PayPal IPN, PayPal Payflow Pro, Authorized. Net, Stripe).
  • Generating SwissSys tournament files with customizable SwissSys settings and WinTD import files.
  • Automatic broadcasting of pairings using text and e-mail messages.
  • Support for comprehensive report generation through a selected set of back-end tools.

Other Features

  • Secure environment with 2-Factor Authentication system with mobile/email and possibility of changing credentials.
  • Multiple player profiles in a single account for easy retrieval and use in multiple tournaments with a single transaction, in a true user-friendly e-commerce environment.
  • Vendors can easily clone new tournaments from their old tournaments to setup a new tournament.
  • Extensive content management system (CMS) for setting up tournaments with numerous features such as bye administration, play up class option, custom discounts, custom questions to players, force/do not force purchase of rating memberships, turning on or off desired fields during registration and many more.
  • Player blocking based on USCF/FIDE IDs based on vendors wish.
  • Automatic updating of FIDE/USCF ratings in the system upon the availability of the latest FIDE/USCF rating supplements.
  • Custom-label solutions for chess tournament organizers interested in promoting own brands.
  • History tracking capability.