2024 Whiz Blitz Revival (Nov 2)

Whiz Blitz Revival (Nov 2) New Event!
For best rate, sign up by end-of-day Thursday.
Format: 6 rounds, G/25 with a 10 second increment.
Entry fee: If 2-days early, $20 for Castle members, $30 for non-members. After that, $5 more online until site opens, $10 more at site. SIGN UP CLICK HERE!
Onsite: Club will open at 9:30 AM. Registration closes at 9:50 AM, $10 more for all.
Rounds: 10:00, 11:15, 1:00, 2:15, 3:30, 4:45.  Lunch break after rd 2.
Prizes: $200 total (based on 20). $100 for 1st, $50 for 2nd, $50 for Class Prize TBD.
Other: 2 half-point byes allowed, request by round 3. USCF Regular and Quick rated.
Questions: E-mail Dane Zagar danezagar@gmail.com or 612-805-3958 (after 8 AM on event day).

Tournament Registration Form

Tournament time zone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Starting date: 2024-11-02
Registration form closing date-time: 2024-11-02 09:30 *
Current date-time:

All fields marked in BOLD font are required (unless otherwise specified)!

Registered users: you may sign in to "My Account" so that you will be able to use the existing player profiles already stored in your account.

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Please enter your ID to search and select your membership record
Please enter your name to search and select your membership record

Please search and select your record above to continue the registration process!

Please select an option above to continue the registration process!

Rating Provider Name FIDE ID FIDE Rating FIDE Title Country Modified By

Please select/complete the options above to continue the registration process!

Rating Provider Name ID Type Registered Rating Latest Rating Title Exp Date

Please select/complete the options above to continue the registration process!

Any discounts available for your registration will be shown once you select the section from the following menu, and the final entry fee that you will be paying may get reduced as a result.

Please select tournament section above to continue the registration process!
(Note: The eligible sections listed here are based on the information you have entered above and your rating when required)

Maximum number of ½ point byes allowed = 2. (Please tick to select point byes)