Exerciser Quad
For best rate, sign up by end-of-day Thursday.
Format: 3 rounds RR, (G/60; +30). Players are grouped based on ratings. USCF membership is required.
Entry fee: If 2-days early, $10 for Castle members, $20 for others. After that, $5 more online until site opens, $10 more at site.
Onsite: Castle opens at 9:30. Registration and check-in ends at 9:50.
Rounds: 10:00 AM, 1:30 PM, and ASAP. Thirty-minute lunch break after rd 1.
Other: No byes, please do not withdraw. One section may be a Swiss at TD's discretion.
Questions: E-mail Dan Voje danvoje@gmail.com or 651-280-5473 (after 8 AM on event day).